after waiting for 2 months my Lati Lea came home at last
she has got the most beautiful face-up ..Im so glad I decided to order the Yellow Kitty ...she is just so beautiful
so I have called her Iris ..
still waiting for the white , grey and orange fur to arrive
whats going on in my life ..Carrie Attwood , SleepingElf ..the things I make and sell .Hobbies ..stuff I love
home at last
and its rining
this time of a year it can set me back days
in the winter when it rains , I just dry everything on my radiators
in the summer I dry the pelts and wigs on the slabs in my garden...its so hot it drys them so fast
but when it rains ...everything stops ...its too walm to have the heating on in the house
and nothing drys ....
great news
I am dying grape
ginger beer
sunflower and black cherry today
Choc Chip is drying
I reordered more blonde and white
the orange , grey and white is on its way
so all of the grey tones are still out of stock ...they will be with me in a week
I had a bad day yesterday another migraine :(
but I am getting there with the orders Im not getting stressed
and I am paceing myself
Im on target to get everything in the post Wednesday
and the larger Moona are being sent out next week
...and this picture ...I just like it
I call her Sandy little beach Elf :)
poorly head :(
but this week has been dreadful
I'm hypersensitive to light , smells and noise :(
so finally I went to the Dcs
my blood pressure is high that could be causing the bad heads all of the time
so I am now on meds ...
anyhow will take a few days for them to kick in
I still fe, but its not gone yet
I have to go back in a month to see how I am doing
I am trying desperately to get every ones orders out ...I'm going away for a few days next week with Pete ...our first break on our own ...for 18 years
Cant wait
but I wont be on the PC so much its giving me migraines I will answer Pms
As some of the pelts have arrived I can make a start with the wigs , dyeing etc ..I should have them all done by Friday ...
I also have a mosaic planned
and several bears I have to make ....and some needle felting I want to do
and I just agreed to take on another class for Mike ...I said I wouldnt do any more
...sigh ...but its local and its crafting anad only for 6 weeks not too bad
and the New Moona should be finished this week ..I am hopeing she will arrive before I go away for a few days ...its a busy time
ted head
just found out Im supposed to be makeing several bears for a local shop ...better get sewing !
pelts arrive
although my first parcel is missing
and that has the grey and the fire pelts in ...I have e.mailed the company
they are based in China and I have heard nothing yet from them
in fact I havent heard anything for several days ...I now a little worried for them
this is the first picture of the new larger Moona
I just cant wait to photograph this girl and get her with a wig and glass eyes
I have put in 2 orders almost 3 weeks ago ...but as yet they have not arrived
I have sold out - at the moment
palest pink
dark peach
honey gold
Sprint Sunset
tangereen dream
mango sorbet
ginger nut
cinnamon swirl
and anything grey based
I am placing a 3rd order now for pelts and telling them how urgent this is ..and hope to god my supplies arrive
anyone waiting for these colours ...Im dreadfully sorry ...I should have had them by now soon as the pelts arrive shall start to dye them
My precious tinys
I was sorting out my PhotoBucket today and adding all the good pictures to my Flikr
Im pissed off with them deleting my photos ..when they are just nude shots of dolls ...I wouldn't mind
but they were just the basic sculpt shots of my tubby fairy's
so I am winding down that account
I came across the pictures of my Arwen Dodo ...isn't she just fab
then I started to sort out my list of dolls ..
guess you could say I am addicted to tiny
my precious tinys
5 Pocketfairys , Rosie, Alex, Peter , Maisy , Polly and Luke
9, Elf dolls , Luthien ,Tinuviel ,Idril ,Arwen ,Pippin, Mini .Sissy, Ithil and A
6 ELF /Hana/Doona -Chelsea, Abby ,Merry ,Moana and Oona , ?
1 Elf 1st edition Alice- Alice
1 Wishel ,Pumpkin
1 Supia -Adam
1 Domuya/BC head Aree
2 Nari-pon , Gither and Magrat
1Secretdoll -Esme
1 Ssin boy- Verence
1 Lati white Arin girl - Perdita
1 Latie white pury -Tiff
1 Lati white Sleeping Pury ltd- Aggie
1 Lati White special Laches- Albert
1 Lati white tan special Belle-Cheery
1 Lati White Special Kong - Nobby
1 Lati Yellow Elf -Byrul -Rory
1 Lati Yellow- Coco - Polly-Anna
1 Lati Yellow -Miel Elf -Milly
1 Jaime Doll - Vito-Chloe
1 Bobobie Isobel -Isobelle
3 Bobobie , Florrie and Harry ,TC
1 Banji .Beren
2 DD Anne Balrog - Near and tan sleeping Near - Glorfindel
1 MR Hamster Lillica -Izzy
1 Notdoll Lucy - Nami
1 Freespiritz Bluebell
1 PpoPoo-Cherry
1 Aga CAndy -Amalie
1 Dobigi Bluecard Alice -ZigZig
6Moona , Moona , Isil and Storm,BlueBerry,Pippa,Sandy
5 Bracken , Bracken , Embers and Anar,Wee Jock,Sapling
2 BonBon - dark tan and light tan Rosie
3 Coco- Dark Tan Coco and Green Absynthe, light tan Ellenore
1 Pipos pink Baha -Candyfloss
1Pipos white Roony- Buffy
2 FairyLand Piki and Sugar- Holly and Ivy
1 Dollzone Bunny - Angel
1 Bambie Cronie Roko , Bunny - Bonny
1 Hujoo - Ducky
1 Hujoo-Cindy
1 Bambie Cronie Vivienne- Bess
1 Bambie Cronie PingPing ..PingPong
1 Lady Saiyuki blue Ted - Sputnik
comming A-ku , White Dollzone Elephant
Kayz Kid Sage , Lati Yellow Lea
and larger dolls
Lady Saiyuki large Ted (OR)
Lucky-Unoa Sist 1.00
Goldie -Unoa 2 hybred
Antabus -Volks SDc Kurt
Finnoughla - Dollstown Seola
Mouse -Volks Megu
Wish List
Lati white Arin on the tiny boy body
Tan Lea
Tan Byrul
Elf Lea
Aga Fairy Green Tea ..or was it Milk ..the boy
and Mythdoll Leroi ...I just saw the old pictures I had of her ...and I wish I hadnt sold her
Rainman to make a tiny boy to go with the orriginal tiny girls
and a jointed torso body for my Oreintdoll Elf Tae head Haldir
Oh yeah ...stressed out day ...but I did get out loads of wigs , 2 dolls and the DD Ann dolls I sold
must Pm Dennis again and remind him about those hands
dark tan Coco
Im thrilled Dennis was able to redo her for me
this was the colour I first envisioned Coco
although I do adore her in light tan
I have had a small number made - 20
out of these there are 2 BonBon
(1 order and 1 for sale )
and I will have 2 Coco available when the order come in
Dennis has asked us to be patient , it is going to take them longer to make them ...but she is so going to be worth it
Order Updates
I have sold out totally of grey , blond and white
meaning mos of my coolours cant be redyed untill the new pelts come in
delayed -- any orders with Stormcloud , Stormskys and Thundercloud
I have no Cinnamon, Cinnamon swirl , or Flame /Fire
the pelts are due in any day now ...its gonna take e a ffew days to catch up dying them
I heard from Dennis yesterdy , tthankfully he is well
I wasnt sure were about in China he was
they started casting the large Moona a couple of weeks back and had some of the
last pre-orders cast and eady for face-ups
I suspect the pre-order is being delayed so they can be shipped with the larger Moona
I way exited about her ..she is going to be a cracking size
just right to share Blythe fashhions ..and I am hopeing Bratz ...
I had my first Bratz arrive today ...I bought a couple ofa EvilBay
OMG ..the fashions are lovely Im not sure if I love them or hate the doll itself LOL
I could always strip them and bung them back on Ebay
Heard From Blod today ...yhay ..she has some ideas about Sam ...I find it easy to all him Sam ...I can see him so clearly ..but just have problems putting him to paper ...when I see Blods work ..its like sigh ...she just rocks and I just doodle ...although I am pleased with the first few drawings of Mina
she is like a slimmer Coco ...only with mermaid ears ...and the tail ...a pain in the arse ..whos bloody silly idea was this .!!
..that reminds me to get my pencil out Pete wants me to do a tatoo for his arm preasure !
I have Blog!
quick intro Carrie ..aka Tinybear to many ...traded as LittleBloomers for many years
making miniature dolls , then miniature tiny bears ...get it :) I feel old , and still a proud memmber of The British Toymakers Guild discovered BJDs about 99 ...but didnt actually buy one untill early 2004 then I was doomed ...loved them but wished they were smaller dream came true and I was soon the proud owner of Luthien my ElfDoll Sylph ..2004 and Yoko Rosie who both still live with me ...I made my first outfit that year 2006 I started making wigs although my first few wigs were for my tinys I soon had customers asking me for larger sizes ...and that is that
I soon started dying my own colours ...experimenting with cuts and styles
...and my collection of tiny got larger and larger
in 2007 I started to plot and sculpt my first tiny girl Moona
her first release was August /September 2007
followed by Bracken and then the wonderful BonBon and Coco
in April 2008 , The Sleeping Elf Ltd was registered ..and this year I have great plans
and this is the newest girl ..large Moona
I look forward to bringing Mina ..who will be the mermaid
and Im planning a tiny Anthro ...a tiny bear
and we are working on a sleeping -elf ...
Blod is shareing her wonderful talents with me too ...I always get exited about her work
what else have I got planned for The Sleeping Elf ...lots
For anyone who has been waiting for me to contact them I am using Petes laptop Pete has been given days to live ..he is desperately poor...
Pete love of my life passed away 25th April 2011 , originally uploaded by a difficult time . mornings are worse I have to face the day knowi...