Moona ready for Christmas

Moona ready for Christmas, originally uploaded by sleepingelf.

well Im recovering now from a lousy cold and chest infection ..must be getting old LOL

I had tor est completely for a few days its so cold I cant go out ...I cough my lungs up lol

so dyeing wigs

I am designing a new bear soon ..prototype I loved ..and bear 1 I am over the moon with

Kitty is next a violet and white cat far so good

to do over Christmas

Make up my dolls house and Pete wants to do the caravan for the elves Im going to start the horse in the new year

...feeling very festive ..wrapped up walm by the fire with my 3 kittys !

sleepy Sam

sleepy Sam, originally uploaded by sleepingelf.

my littLe baby ..isnt he gorgeous

Im resting up a few days and have friends over ..were off to the Birmingham Christmas market today if you are waiting for invoices or for me to get back to you

I should have just done it

all wigs have gone ..posted ...shipped ..Im feeling very festive and very mellow

all my Fliker comments and FM will be answered tommorow xx


lilac mermaid

lilac mermaid, originally uploaded by sleepingelf.

thpught I wasnt getting much e.mail!
and no orders

they are all going through onto my old laptop!
which my daughter is useing !

bear with me ..I have now got to transfere all my mail over !
in my spare time !!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

it was supposed to be switched off

if you have e,mailed me since Monday and havent heard back i WILL BE IN TOUCH IN THE NEXT FEW HOURS lol


mINA, originally uploaded by sleepingelf.

oOOOoooo I have just made up ( well over the past month )
some fullsets ...they are gorgeous

all ready to ship for Christmas
I agce listed a few on Ebay now ...and some will go on my Etsy

Im only shipping once a week at the momment me time to work ...and get all those orders out for Christmas xx