
 Well this year is going at a snails pace , my recovery 

I fell in January…I knew it was bad when I did it …after an evening in A&E …was relieved to find out , it’s not broken 

So 4 weeks later I went to Physio ..she was mortified when she saw it …ordered not to walk on it excessively, the  splint back on and she referred me 

I also have to see the Dr about my knees and left hip , as I’m walking so bad , it was that that caused the fall ..and if I don’t find out why I’m in so much pain and walking so bad …I will fall again 

Fast forward to April .. Trauma specialist saw me …I’m now going for an MRI 

He suspects I’ve damaged 2 of the tendons and a ligament BUT how bad …we won’t know until we get the MRI results 

And he can’t operate because of the Arthritis in my ankle and where it is , and my age ( WTF …I’m old ! ) my ankle will fuse ….ANOTHER Splint is now on for when I’m walking ..to stabilise my ankle 

So it’s going to be a long recovery ! And I look like a Borg 

It’s gonna look fab with shorts !

So MRI Monday and I’m seeing a hip and Knee specialist Thursday 

It’s seriously affecting my work ..I can’t get around like I did 

My work room is like a booby trapped war zone 

So I’m seriously sorting it out , I can’t get to anything ,slowly I’m sorting it so I can start work 

Everything I do is at a snails pace now …but I an mow  working slowly x

Note to self …don’t fall again