I love this wig ...It took me days ..but Im glad I took it on
who says Isao looks funny in fur wigs :)
I loved him so much ..I bought him a body :)
Ok expect delays ...fur hasnt arrived yet ...I dont think its lost or anything like that
the shippments are just taking longer to arrive ..it used to be 2 weeks ..now its more like 4 ;(
Im just going to have to order more
I just ordered some stunning deep red from them ...that should be in about 3 weeks
also the Dark tan girls are on their way ...shipped today
and coloured Coco and BonBon
I also have most colours of Bracken and Moona in stock
Mina and Large Moona re being made now
then will be the mer maid
I am also thinking of haveing 10 dark tan Large Moona , Mina and Mina mermaid made
also free knitting pattern for Moona on my web site
whats going on in my life ..Carrie Attwood , SleepingElf ..the things I make and sell .Hobbies ..stuff I love
Custom wig
how cool is this !
this blew me away
working with Bobobie I have come to expect their workmanship to be just what I want ...
I was wondering how to get Mina to pose ...especially after seeing Puki`s Posiden ..I was plotting all sorts of stands ...or how to sit her ...but this blew me away when I saw it
I wanted her to have Elf ears ...but do realise some of the people who like my work ..dont like Elves ...so I have compramised ,when Mina walks on land , she looks Human ...
when she takes on Human form in the company of Elves ...she still has her distinctive Ears ....
and Suddenly the Witley Woods is taking on form ...
the Sun cuts through the green canopy's of the Wood ...and and dances on the surface of the Lake
waterfalls run into it .from the Mossy Cliffs ..Mina lives quite happy there ...
at its depths she makes her home ..but there is an underground passage ...under the Beacon Mountains and out into the Sea ...
but Mina loves to be by the Trees and her friends Moona
and Bracken and Cousin Coco
mhhh its comming
she is beautiful now ...what she will look like when she is finished ...Wow she is gonna be amazing
when I first saw BonBon and Coco , I had a gut feeling they would be popular ...especially Coco
and I was right ...I feel the same about Mina
Im trying to work out colours for her
Im thinking
Natural with Blue tail
Natural with Green tail
White with Pink tail
White with Blue tail
Light tan with Green tai
Blue with white
Lilac with Green
Green with ...Lilac or Blue dont know about those yet
the Human girl is comming in Normal , White , Tan , and samples of Green ,Lilac , Pink and Blue
Cloud Forget Me Not
I have been playing with wig colours
LOVE this version of Forget Me Not ....its stunning
will be shareing new
Rose Gold with you soon
I have a load of wigs made , but I have run out of postal envelopes !
so as soon as they arrive I can get all the wigs out ...should be tommorow
Witley Wood Elves hideing in the Roses
they arrived and Im slowley sorting them
I have NO ...repeat No coloured Tubby Fairys in this order
just large Fairys
I do have a couple of normal resin Coco and White
and I still have Blue BonBon and Pink Coco in stock
the May order isnt due in untll end of June ...July
and they are working on the dark tan girls
these do take a long time as it takes a long time to finish them off
but May order and everything else is in progress
I have also ordered extra coloured girls , so I will have stock soon again :)
love her
this is the new white Moona Im putting togeather for a new fullset
its taken me a week to dye all of the colours up Im missing
now Im catching up and getting all outstanding orders out this week
Yay! I feel so much better
I LOVE Cindy in this ...Chocolate Orange ...yummy
this is the closest Im getting to chocolate right now LOL
iM Gutted ...at the height of headache pains ...I went and ordered 2 Elf dolls ...thats fine ...I wanted them ....but somehow ...I didnt notice adding USA to my address ...so my beautiful girls are stuck in JFK :(
I am possative they will be shipped back to Korea eventually ....but Oh I want my girls .....:(
on a plus note this week
I have got a Wendy ....I only have to get Winky now ...so thats made up for Kai and Olivia being stuck in customs
and I am having an Iso head ,.I love that boy so Im thrilled to bits
and the long lost pelts arrived ...so I can now get the Storm Cloud and grey wigs out ...HappyHappy Joy Joy ...and I dont have any aches anywere this morning ...got to be good :)
For anyone who has been waiting for me to contact them I am using Petes laptop Pete has been given days to live ..he is desperately poor...
Pete love of my life passed away 25th April 2011 , originally uploaded by a difficult time . mornings are worse I have to face the day knowi...