This girl is so yummy
its a month to Christmas ...wooooooooooooo
Im getting exited now ...I have a Blythe Frosty Frock ... Dandilion , 2 hujoo tiny and 2
Fee comming home for Christmas
wonder who will make it first ...Frosty Frock . I think has been shipped :D
but which resin baby !
whats going on in my life ..Carrie Attwood , SleepingElf ..the things I make and sell .Hobbies ..stuff I love
Dark Tan beauty
and now
Fleur now ...and I LOVE LOVE LOVE her
I wont be parting with her now ...
I cant wait for Dandilion to come home ..I will be giving her a simialar look I think and call her Viola
Im killing time today ...I do have some wig orders to do ...but I have to wait for UPS ....they are delivering today ..and I cant go down to my workshop ..which is OK ,I have a stinking cold and cough
...and have been burning the midnight oil I will rest up for a couple of days ..keep taking the becham powder
Fleur when she arrived
she arrived pale and beautiful
I LOVE her .....this is her before she got her Fleur face-up
They are being sent this Thursday ....for definate
thank goodness ...and a few more stragglers to follow
I have asked for all of them to be sent by the end of this month so as we have them in time for Christmas dispatch
I finally found my yellowing BW Narea on the secondary market to replace Fleur ...I sold her the beggining of this year
and kicked myself ..when I ordered Dandilion ...I kicked myself even more
my Fleur was an older yellowed Open eye Narea ..the only thing I ever wished ..that she was the clasic Narea .....
new Fleur is a Classic I am just thrilled
I am kinda thinking now I have most the dolls I need now
drum roll ....I have also got my ultimate sewing machine coming
so that will mean outfits for all tinys
Wanda the Wonderfrog , my dolls , Elf and the Hujoo tinys
plus any more you care to mention as I have most of them
and even more ....I made a tiny ...the first tiny I have been happy with for over a year
....I wasnt happy at all with my bears ...which is sad ...I should be so proud of my achievements ...but they just made me sad , like I wasnt good enough ......but yesterday I finished one ...and I wasnt sad ...I was bloody thrilled ...over the moon
.........Im back
New Hujo babies -comming home
I have been waiting for these to be released trigger finger spasmed like crazy ..and the next thing I know I have 2 of them comming home :D
Cujoo and Allie Yay !
now I am going to have to sit on my hands ...I have gone crazy the past 4 week
2 of Charle`s amazing creations
2 of the new Fee
Dandilion ...and I am thinking of Narea and my Unoa head ...Oh is there no end to it LOL
I have heard Rainman is planning a new tiny ...god let be an Hana /Doona size , I know I wont want that LOL
and I am preying for a Tan Lati yellow ...I want one of those so badly
Oh well my end of week birthday celebrations are over
and its time to buckle down ..I have almost done ALL of the wig orders
Im dying 5 today and sending them all out Monday or Tuesaday
my other pelts arrived Thursday so I have enough fur to last me over the christmas period
if your thinking of ordering ...please do it now ...I cant believe how fast this month is going
For anyone who has been waiting for me to contact them I am using Petes laptop Pete has been given days to live ..he is desperately poor...
Pete love of my life passed away 25th April 2011 , originally uploaded by a difficult time . mornings are worse I have to face the day knowi...