well Im recovering now from a lousy cold and chest infection ..must be getting old LOL
I had tor est completely for a few days ..now its so cold I cant go out ...I cough my lungs up lol
so dyeing wigs
I am designing a new bear ..pictures soon ..prototype I loved ..and bear 1 I am over the moon with
Kitty is next a violet and white cat ..so far so good
to do over Christmas
Make up my dolls house and Pete wants to do the caravan for the elves ...so Im going to start the horse in the new year
...feeling very festive ..wrapped up walm by the fire with my 3 kittys !
whats going on in my life ..Carrie Attwood , SleepingElf ..the things I make and sell .Hobbies ..stuff I love
Moona ready for Christmas
sleepy Sam
my littLe baby ..isnt he gorgeous
Im resting up a few days and have friends over ..were off to the Birmingham Christmas market today ..so if you are waiting for invoices or for me to get back to you
I should have just done it
all wigs have gone ..posted ...shipped ..Im feeling very festive and very mellow
all my Fliker comments and FM will be answered tommorow xx
lilac mermaid
thpught I wasnt getting much e.mail!
and no orders
they are all going through onto my old laptop!
which my daughter is useing !
bear with me ..I have now got to transfere all my mail over !
in my spare time !!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
it was supposed to be switched off
if you have e,mailed me since Monday and havent heard back i WILL BE IN TOUCH IN THE NEXT FEW HOURS lol
oOOOoooo I have just made up ( well over the past month )
some fullsets ...they are gorgeous
all ready to ship for Christmas
I agce listed a few on Ebay now ...and some will go on my Etsy
Im only shipping once a week at the momment ..gives me time to work ...and get all those orders out for Christmas xx
exhibiting this weekend
if you have been e.mailing me this weekend ..please bear with me
Im exhibiting at the Motorcycle museum Birmingham ..and swapping to a new PC ..so transferring data and getting on-line on a new PC ..so it may take me a couple of days to get back to you xx
Postin times ..and updates
Im kinda fired up to make some more miniature bears
this is one of my old Anime style bears I used to sell on Abracadabra
I just miss it ...I miss the creative side off it ....so next year ..more bears .
and I also spent a wonderful weekend with Miriam and Sam
and Vanessa ...was supposed to be tiny BJDs ...but ..well couldnt help but slip into bears
OK ...Im only posting once a week right now ...Saturday morning
its gving me a full week to work ...Christmas Crazy is well and truly on us ...Im inundated with orders ...and the dolls are waltzing out
its all hands on deck ...as we work to get out the orders ...I say we ..but its me
and Pete takes over the running of the house !
my last show of the year will be this Sunday ...then the Fullsets I have will go on my Etsy sight
Then I will be working on my web site
organising new colour charts
and updateing all the pages and photos
Maddy ..Rosie`s little girl
worse news ever
.Maddie passed away today .Mike the Vet tried desperately to save her ..but it wasnt to be
sweet dreams girl ..she is resting by her friend Stan
Cat Nip Cuddles
OK ..after a mad crazy week HUGE ammount of orders went out
including all the orders delayed after Zack was hit by a car
he is recovering well xx
but Poor Poor Maddie is on 24 HOUR Care in the Pets hospital
she is really poorly :(
so Im selling more of my dolls for Vets fees ..its nothing to do with Zacks ,flu ..which I now think Sam has caught ...
its just manic ...my head is spinning
orders out ...more to go out Monday
at last for Pre-order

a little retail therapy today
luckily I sold some of my dolls this weekend ..enough for LinLin
and the Killer Vets bills I put on my credit card ..the insurance is normally pretty quick though …I have Stock being shipped any day now ..the Christmas stock..damn its all money this month…LOL and its only the 2nd
Zack is sleeping a lot ..but the cuts and bruises on his face are healing real quick …from how terrible he looked Saturday to how he looks now is amazing
Im a couple of days behind now …I just couldnt do anything Sunday ..and Im catching up with e.mails and paperwork today
and Dyeing fur and making up orders tomorrow
thank you for the well wishing ..Zack is remarkable for what he went through
Im just numb ...Zack got out of the garden this evening ...he wouldnt come in and ran off from me ..
some time later he was hit by a car ...his poor face ...and head ...he is in the PDSA now ..
the Vet has prepared us for the worse ...he has head trauma
she said by rights he should be dead and he is a very lucky cat
but has used up all of his 9 lives
..we will know more tommorow
OddBod in her BIGWIG
Oh I love Bod ....
she always looks so pissed off LOL
WOW I cant believe how fast this wig sold ...I had just listed it on Etsy ...and ...gone
Im thrilled to bits
Delay and Christmas shipping xx
Im sorry due to some personal stuff...and crazy hands the wigs didnt go out Friday
My hands have been hurting again ..since I took on a commision ..opening up eyes ..never again LOL
Im going insaine today as I have workmen in ...Im in the dinning room ..the wigs are all in the work room ..the dillbit to bevil out the eyes is in the shed ..and I cant get to anything
.so I am planning on shipping them all THIS WEEK
Im so frustraited I could SPIT
but I also now know the last shipping for Christmas
and I have 2 more shows untill the Christmas Crazy period is over
LAST Shipping date to guarantee for Christmas delivery is
10TH December
please bear this in mind if you are ordering multi wig orders and multi or specialised dyes and tips
each wig I make is custom done ..so can take up to 2 weeks
or if you want a particular Elf in time for under the tree ¬
I am now dyeing and getting ready for the Christmas rush and I like all my orders out by the 10th December ,
so we don't have any stuck in the system over the holiday period
HOHOHO ! and Merry Christmas
I am pleased to announce I have been invited to
Sam helping me set up my Dollshouse
Wigs are a little behind still due to my holiday break ..and the fact I have 3 exhibitions in a row , and the HUGE influx of orders
Im wadeing through them ...all of August wigs now gone , September orders will be shipped Friday and late September orders will be sent next Friday :) ..so almost caught up
the show I attended Sunday at the MotorCycle Museum next to the NEC was fantastic ..we had a fantastic day
We will be going back there in November
this weekend Im exhibiting at the NEC ...Im looking forward to seeing my friends again
A view from the top
Ohh wish I were there right now ...
please exuse the delay if your trying to contact me right now
I have an exhibition this weekend
and my 2 day show next weekend ...Ive got sore fingers and sore eyes..stock to finish makeing and wigs to get out
sp please bear with me if you dont here back this weekend
I will be back on line Monday afternoon ....after I have been to the post office xxx
Red Resin and Haute doll
oOOO I love this colour resin ..and these eyes are stunning . They are expensive …but glass , made in the Uk …I adore them
The Elves are featured in the latest Haute Doll Magazine …how thrilled am I …its like being in Vogue Magazine ..Im thrilled !
I cant wait to see a copy !
DHL lost my parcel !
My internet went down today ...jist got back on line ....so everyones e.mail and PMs will be answered tommorow xx
her name is Odette- Odeco
this girl is si summery ..just sums up how I feel :)
I had a weekend off ...Took Rosie and her friends to Weston-Super-Mare for T4 ..we dropped them off ..and what an atmosphere the town had ... had a great day ..time off
sun sea , sand and amazing rain LOL
walked so far ..my feet are still acheing LOL
hand is feeling a little better .AND So do I ..not so grumpy LOL
.a few more weeks of this ..Im feeling very optimistic
update.. Good news and bad
I have sold out of white ...I have A LOT of pelts on order ..but they still haven't arrived .they are being chased up
Im Ok for the orders I have now taken last week ..but it will affect a lot taken after today
I am having treatment on my hands ...the damage I have done to them over working ..basically ..can be reversed ...
but I have been told
I HAVE to have a day off ..and I must take breaks
and use ice-packs every couple of hours , if I do this ..my hands will get better ..and I will be able to continue for may years to come
If I dont do this my hands will be damaged permanent
and I cant risk this ..
.I apologize if you have placed an order
WAIT LIST ...up to 3 weeks again ...
this isnt because of the lack of materials ..but the state of my hands
it wont affect my orders, this is my job ..I have to work with it
..Im a little behind because of my holiday
and how long its taking me to make the pigglets sewn for Charles
These are now finished ..and the last bit of assembly is being done now
but I have to pace myself ..and Im haveing a day off ...as soon as I finish the pigs for Charles
As long as I slow down
and stop off the PC more ..rest ..meds ice-packs and the hand-brace should work ..Ive been offered injections ..but dont want these yet as I feel these will just mask the problem ..I have to learn to take some time off and stop abusing my poor hands ..starting now :)
I have so much planned for the future as long as Im careful ..I will be able to do it
POSTAGE CHARGE ..and look whats comming

a bit of an announcement ..postage is now a flat rate of $9.00 insured
I am subsidising it a little and not chargeing for packageing
...but I am having to ship everything insured
the last 2 months I have had to send out an amazing amount of replacement wigs due to packages getting lost ...i have had 2 return to me ..so I can add them back to stock
but too many are getting lost
my policy is to send out replacements ..but there are just too many
when I sent them out International Signed for ..very few go missing so from today EVERYTING is sent Insured
and Im back !
away untill 29th
Pete and I are away for a few days ..leaving the now healing kitties in the hands of friends and family
Holidays were delayed for a few days to make sure Kittys Meds are working ...they are ...all Cats are taking the Antibiotics
and finally Sams eyes are healing
I tried to contact the seller ..but my mail bounced back ..turns out Sam has Chlamydia :( ..
I was even sure I could see his "scratch " ..that was fur missing due to his eye infections
I wish his previous owner would have just said their was a problem ..but I feel their was no way he was ever taken to a vet , I can help but feel she lied ..but still I wouldnt change a thing
I would have still had him ...but after he had been treated ..but I dont think she had any intention of doing that
Now all my cats have to be treated ..even though Maddie has no symptoms ...still 48 hours into the med and the improvement is dramatic, and they will be OK ..they are also going to be vacinated when they are better
Zacks eyes are fine ..and Sam is a different kitty
and I feel I can leave them with my daughter and friend without worry ...yeah right ..gonna miss them like crazy
Jo is even comming around in the day when Rosie is out as Zack gets upset when he is alone ..I cant thank her enough
Ok back next week
growing so fast
Sam is getting better by the day ..but Zack now has conjunctivitis ...! and he is such a baby
thankfully what ever was wronge with Sam hasnt passed ..just the poorly eyes ..which my Vet suspects Sam got easy as he was so ill and week , she told me not to worry he was so young ...he is gaingin weight and comming on in leaps and bounds
.with what ever respiritory illness he had ..he is one lucky kitty and responded really well to TLC and antibiotics
.thankfully its not Catflu ..so far I have been to the Vets 3 times this week and I have to take them both tommorow ....expensive game this Kits ...but worth it
but both kittys are on the mend
my Vet has told me not to worry about my old cat ...as she is most likey imune as she is showing no symptoms
Both have wonderful characters ..they are my pride and joy
Im teaching them to leave wigs and dollys alone !
right now Im off to bathe Zacks eyes ...feed them both ..dye wigs and take those Bracken pictures ...and sneek in a coffee
WIGS ..My hand is much worse ...and I now have symptoms in my other hand ..so I am being careful ...wigs are going out OK ..if a little slower ..but I am starting to stress .....expext a month and if you get them sooner ..its a bonus :)
trying not to get stressed ( I can feel the muscles in my neck ache and I have another headache ) ..but they are all ticking over nicely
tiny Sam
my poor little mite is pooley
I gave him 4 days , like his last vet said ..and he dose look 100 times better ,,,but I was still not happy
although he is much much better his eyes started to glue up again
and he snezzes like anything when I clean them .so I got him into the vet
he has an infection and conjunctivitis ..the Vet also thinks he has got a respiratory infection , although his lungs sound clear he is snufly
vets have told me we have watch him closely , these next couple of days he should improve
but is he stops eating at all he has to be admited as he will need to go on a drip
he has had an antibiotic jab today ..and antibiotic eyecream
and I have to take him back Monday for another injection,
After being given the worse news then she gave me the good news
he hasnt got a temperature , and
the Vet dosnt think he has flu , he hasnt got the mouth ulcers , is eating well and isnt lethargic
and the Vet finding out he was a Maine Coon also checked his heart ..thats fine too
so Im pampering him to pieces ,
Zack should be Ok ..although he may catch the conjunctivitis
...but as he is a strong healthy kitten , he could be Ok
and a Sams infection is through the cut ..Zack cant catch that
I will try and answer mails tommorow ..but I didnt want to leave Sam today
I have to keep a close eye on him , make sure he eats and gets his eyedrops ..so I will sit ..feed him chicken and sew up the Snoinks Im working on for Charles
Ive missed the post today , but Pete is taking them up tommorow
hopefully with the Anti-b`s and cream we will see an improvement tommorow xx
Sam sitting pretty
I love this little boy
comparing him now , to the pictures when he first arrived , I can hardly believe the change ...he has doubled in a week ,I swear he has
he is eating well ..and holding his own with Zack ..although I cant leave them alone yet ..Zack is far too boisterous ..and Zack far too tiny
I miss my Stan so much ..but these 2 make it bearable
The repeat strain in my hand isnt good, BUT , I am being sensible and timeing myself working
so I am getting the orders out ..only a little later than normal
Post is being sent FRIDAY and Tuesday
NO DELAYS at the momment ..it takes between 2 and 3 weeks to ship
Sam comes home
Ok I am running about a week to 2 behind ...I have a lot of pain in my left wrist due to "Tendon " inflammation
Im on drugs ..and pain killers and have to see a Physio ...but at least I can use it again
I am still working ...but I have to be careful and not overdo it ...and no knitting or crochet ..that makes it much much worse
Its a beautiful day ..and I marvelled at the colours when we went out
blue blue sky and green fields and the yellow of the rapeseed flowers ..its just been a perfect day ...Oh yeah paid for my mew Mini Riz too ..I just had to have another ..love the tan one
well we went to collect Sam today , and here is is
Zack jumped on him straight away ..and we are having to be watchful ..Zack will be 10 weeks Tuesday and he is HUGE next to tiny Sam ,
Sam is timid and so far much quieter ...Maddie has taken to him straight away
She has really surprised me ..she has gone so loving since Stan passed
Pete made an amazing wire screen to put up the french doors, so we can have some air as its so hot ... the sun shone in . the cats all lay in it ..we had ice lolly and the foot ball droned away in the back ground ...and its is beautiful
a far cry form how lousy the beginning of the month was
Im trying to get a picture ,of Zack ..that is him ..his personality ...this sums him up!
I get the camera and he charges at me
Yesterday he learnt how to growl ...today he was spitting ...whilst skidding up and down my kitchen , playing
I had to take him to the Vets today , he has a pooly tummy , bless him
Vets given him the once over ..and thinks its just the change of food and worms ..so he has been de-wormed ..sprays for fleas and now he is sleeping
cant believe how much he has grwon in a few days
Zack comes home 17 May 2009
Production is at an all time low this weekend
when I could go get my Zack ...a week early than I thought
but I am so inlove with my little boy
he loves hands and toes ..so I am trying to teach him now to play with ribbon and a mouse that squeeks ...so far its working ...and he loves cuddles
so he is actually getting me to sit and relax a little ...
I miss my old Stan so much ...Zack is certainly keeping us all on our toes ..now to dye some wigs whilst he is asleep
Zack ...
he has always said when STAN went I couldn't have another cat ...but I feel as though Im missing something ...Maddie and I have go closer ..she has always been Rosies cat ...but I guess were both missing Stan ,
so Pete told me to go ahead and start looking ..but I couldn't have a black one ...so I dug in my heals ...and this is Zack ..his full name ..Zachary Binks
he isnt old enough yet ...but he is 6 week old Maine Coone x
and a handfull ...
I cant believe he is mine ...Im dreading it ..in a way ..he loves running up legs !
I have to kitty proof the house ...and get little tray and close all the windows for a while ..
he wont be home for a few weeks yet ..and I cant wait
Imp ..my red bracken
Im so glad he has arrived ..I LOVE this boy
the reed is gorgeous ..love the girls too ...but Bracken is so HOT ! red
I had the tiny brownie arrive last week and Ippo today ...so Im going to take some pictures ....it will take my mind of Stan a bit
its so lonely without him in the say ...
Maddie is still sulking about ..she keeps looking for him ..and wont eat
sigh ...
lousy week
the same time ..I had a HUGE Bobobie Bill topay ..all my limmited editions to pay for ...and Lloyds ..bless them ...I hope they fester ..decided I didnt need an overdraft on my new bussiness account ..this is AFTER the interview at my local branch were they promised me the earth and more ...if I didnt use my PayPal and credit card and went with them ...now they tell me ..when I have a monster bill ..and another due in a few weeks ..I couldnt have a bloody overdraft
this is after waiting 3 weeks for a return phone call ....so they called to tell me after I had settled my bill ...by selling my soul and wacking up my Card ....
So I told them ...to stick their account ...NEVER take their advice ...still angry ..still smarting and very broke ..my Cat went down hill ...so with the last of our Holiday money ...I got Stan to the Vets May 1st .....
its still to painfull ..and too raw ...but an hour later ..they called me with the worse news ever
they had found he had a huge shadow in his lungs ...and blood tests had confirmed the worse ...I dashed up to him ..and gave the consent ..he died in my arms ...and my heart broke
I bought him home ...when I walked into the front door the phone rang ...and it was UPS ...with a £150.00 Import charge ...I dont think the poor girl knew what was going on ...I broke down in tears ...appologised ,she has to wait 5 mins untill I stopped crying ....
what a bloody shit day ...
I got the post out on the Saturday ...its Rosies birthday today ...
I never thought I could feel this sad over a Pet , but Stan was my shadow ..and Im missing him so much
Maddie is pineing ...she is my other cat ...but very much my daughters ...and its horrible :(
I think I may have just finished the washing from when we went away the weekend ...what a lovely break ..,we bought a gorgeous porcelain roses chandelier for our next project
we have quite a nice downstairs extension which is a big shower ..so that's all being ripped out ..and french doors put into the garden ...and its going to be a breakfast room ...we got a lovely little old pine farmhouse table and matching chairs ...and I have been buying the old Crinoline lady tableware ..I cant wait ,,its the only room in the house that has the sun on it all day ..and It going to brighten and warm up the whole kitchen ....
then the upstairs bathroom is going to be ripped out ..and the new toilet ..which is living under my dining room table ..and the shower ...in the garage ..is going to be installed
THEN ,,,and I knew it would get around to work ...then Pete is installing a downstairs loo ,,in the Garage ..with the tumble dryer and washer ...and a BIG BIG sink and draining board ..so I can keep the fur ..outside the house ..the family arnt too keen in it turning up in the meals ..and the dye all over the kitchen tops ,...personally I cant see a problem LOL
then the house should be finished !
on a wigs note ..I'm up todate..but I'm starting to run dangerously short of Blond and Ginger Nut ...
the demand is huge ...I have got through 6 months of materials in the first 3 months of the year ..and thats in blonde and white alone
and every day there are more ...Im thrilled to bits ...and now I have given up teaching but my 1 class I can get the wigs out in about 2 weeks ..but its taken me since Christmas to get organised
and the dolls are on the way ...a HUGE amount of stock .. including the tiny Bracken, Mina and Moona in red resin ...I cant wait to see those ! Im trying to get enough stock in so there wont be a wait when anyone wants to order
Camera is on charge ..and I cant wait to see them!
snap shot driving back
I just wrote a big long post and bloody deleted it !
I will do it later .......got to dye some wigs
my Boy!..Look who is comming !!!
I have stock comming ...its being shipped today , so I should have then early next week ...Wooooooooooooooooooo
All colours back in stock ..Oh exept normal Moona ..she has already sold out
but I do have Brackend Mermaids with legs and tails . Moona in white resin ...Wooooottttttttttttttt
still waiting ....:(
So far still no sign of the doll order ...if you are waiting I do appologise , I am contacting Dennis again today to see how long now ...although last time I wasnt given any definate date ...only next week ...
I am also waiting on a price for the new beds I have designed ...for large Moona ...Blythe and other dolls that size
...and Im toying with a pattern book ...just basic easy to make designs for the beginner .....,mhhhh
and hopeing to see more of Moona
waiting list , for wigs
and still taking them , I have enough materials to last me for a few weeks now
but please note when placeing custom colours or multiple wig orders it can take up to 3 weeks for me to ship them out ...depending on the colour ...sometimes I have problems getting dyes
they are constantly being discontinues ..to come out with another name ..dose my head in !
I have 3 Blyth playing with colour instock
and 2 Lati Yellow .. these should be on Etsy Saturday xx
Oh Dolls ,,yes Dennis has promised me a shipment late this week ,
I am hopeing for the ordered dolls ...I have asked ..begged ...grovelled for the ordered dolls
I have also asked for the Normal Moona ,I know there are a few of you out there just waiting for those ...soon ..fingers crossed
I was planning this shot as soon as I saw the bed !
wish I had a natural Moona for it though
...still out of stock ..but waiting paitently now ..like everyone else :(
My 3 Blythes hit the UK yesterday ..no new on the tracking if they got held by customs ..or if the passed through
I will know in the next couple of days though wont I ;(
its been a long day ....
Im on anti-inflamatorys for my joints ...But had a good day today
took loads of pictures of the Humptys I have and the miniatures ..so I thought I may as well list them on my Etsy rather than leave them in a box ....but its taken me ages
started carving my 3rd Blythe too ...I just didnt like Frosty ...vile plasticy hair and needed matting ! I wanted a sadder smile ..not the big smile like Blossom and Bod ..and Im loveing the results so far ...Im trying not to get too attatched to her ...I know I have to sell her ...I have the 3 new Prima Blythes comming ..and 3 Lati
so I am selling Frosty ..possibly the new Willow ..that will teach me for buying a Kenner LOL
I LOVE the Aubury ..who will look perfect with Ruby ... I may call Molly ..or Red
But I really do like Rainbow ...thats what I am calling the Frosty ..she is going to have a cool cat scalp and 4 wigs to go with the 4 new eyechips ...and outfits ...Im quite exited ...
so ...here are the baby Humptys ..with the new Rement I had arrive last week ..which I just absoutly adore !
and now I am taking my achey wrists to bed ..will list the rest tommorow
looking good
my beloved Ruby ...after her first clean
I am hopeing this week to add her new eyelaches ....which will mean
Frosty will start with her spa treatment ...or Bod will get new laches ...one out of the 2
I have been away from the laptop all weekend ...exhibiting at the NEC ...back now shattered ...and catching up with my e.mails and orders
I have some wonderful ideas though ..I fell in love with a Castle tower ...and a star lite garden ..which was breathtaking and my imagination went into overdrive xx
and bought some beautiful furniture to take photos with ...cant wait tomake a start
Ruby ...
I'm sitting here waiting for her to arrive ...and I don't think I have ever felt so apprehensive....the seller contacted me yesterday told me she would be delivered today ...I think forking out so much on an old doll has got to me ..and I'm waiting the clock tick over ....I'm supposed to be looking for a certificate , dyeing and tidying ...for the weekend ..and I have 2 wig orders to parcel up today ...and at the moment I'm just pithering
and the good new is
My new tiny Thistledown and Bramble are being made
Im thrilled .,,and its all systems go
ALL my fur arrived this week ..there is a god
the blond this time is more gold ..so honey gold and Latte ...back
I have 2 delicious dark browns again
Fire , Black , White ,Dove ..all back instock !
Its a jolly dolly week after almost 3 months ..my Lati arrived
I now have names for them Flora ..the awake little girl and Arabella
at last I have 2 tan Lati Yellow
walking the walls
Im almost out of all basic pelts ..I still have colours left ..plenty
but for the most popular shades ..I need my Pelts
No white
No Blonde
EVERYTHING ...even my tiny dear from Charles has been held up in Customs ..:( so I presume thats were my pelts are now
if you have orderd
blonde ..cappuchino , mocachino . peach , pale pink , pale blues
sunsets ,
..these are going to be delayed
sigh ...as soon as the pelts arrive ..it will be all hands on deck ..envelopes are written ..packets are ready to go
..so they will all be shipped within a week or so
I can take your order ..but it may be a month untill its shipped
Haldir - at last gets a wig he likes
a bit of H spam ..lovely boy
slipping into boy cuts again ..gotta love them though
anyhows ..couple of days behind because of the show this weekend
Im almost caught up ...thats the last time I have a whole weekend like that ..I feel as though I wasted so much time :(
fur still hasnt arrived ...can you see the beads of sweat on my brow ?
For anyone who has been waiting for me to contact them I am using Petes laptop Pete has been given days to live ..he is desperately poor...
Pete love of my life passed away 25th April 2011 , originally uploaded by a difficult time . mornings are worse I have to face the day knowi...