Im a little behind this week ...Rosie was off last week
..I spent a day and a half out of my work room waiting for my shippment of tan dolls ...and shame on me ..had my hair cut
kinda pleased with it ...its short ...very short now ..and Midnight
love it ...
but Im 3 days behind
Im off down my "shop " , to put the heating on and now to catch up
I thought Spring had come this weekend was quite lovely
but its colder today ....But Spring is around the corner now ...that would be lovely
Im so looking forward to sitting in my workshop ..with the front open ..sewing ...or sculpting ..or glueing ...cant wait
whats going on in my life ..Carrie Attwood , SleepingElf ..the things I make and sell .Hobbies ..stuff I love
3 days behind
No more cuts
Wow ...that was fast
just an update .....I have now sold out of blonde ...Ginger Nut ...anything based on a blond or white pelt
I have had so many orders arriveing ...e,mail , DOA and my web site
I have contacted my supplier and had an extra 2 shippments of pelts added
.it will be with me next week if everything goes smoothly
I am considering longer taking on cuts ...
it slows me down to be honest ..they take tripple the time
....I also get very nervous about making them ..either making mistakes ..or I even forgot to cut one wig this month and I now have an irate customer
which upsets me ...I know I have made a mistake and dont like it
...I hate the pressure and dont like working this way I think as from today Im not cutting
I will still make boys wigs ...but will list them on Etsy
I think that would be the best thing to do
all orders with cuts will be done ...but I dont think I want the pressure of taking them on
..might still do the Puki bobs ...I love Puki Bobs
Blossom and Oddbod
I have been so stressed out today
I ended up in A&E with my Son ..he has a cracked rib and cracked elbow ...dont you just love bikes LOL
And then Damage Control ..16 year olds hormones and heartache
..and the day has gone ...I did do a few wigs ...
but found it very hard to concentrate
so I rewigged Blossom and Bod ...and took some new pictures
I have just invested an aweful lot of Dosh on a new camera ..but it was worth it ..the colours are so true ..and it was a pleasure to use
Now I need a shower ..and chill with Marple ..I was going to try uploading more pictures ..but the link is so slow tonight its killing me
Mina and Bracken are next
I loved making this outfit ..and wig ..thrilled with it
I have gone onto wait list on DOA for the wigs ..simply because I have run out of white ..and blonde is almost gone
I have more on order fact 2 lots so I dont think there will be much of a delay
great news ..Mina will be done in a month to 2 months
and .....I am doing Bracken , he will be an open edition
....and there is going to be a very special Edition of Bracken
Ltd to 25 ...well 24 ..because I am keeping 1 ...IN RED
I live working with Dennis and Bobobie ..they are just the best
he will be available in about 4 -5 months plenty of time for us all to start saving
catching up
I have a HUGE ammount of wigs made ...they are being parceled up and posted today ..and 1 white Mina ...she is to go out today too
Snow is supposed to be moveing in again ...wonder what it will be like tommorow
for now its cold , snowing and raining ...
Im getting there !
PLEASE bear with me ...I have been inundated with wig /doll orders may take a couple of days to get to your PM ...or e.mail me
I would never willingly ignore anyone ...I am being swamped with e,mails .. so to cut down on time I have un-subscribed to any Yahoo groups ..Spammed all those weird Russian mails Im getting.and the ones that want me to marry them ...or buy a PC ?
..gone no mail on every thing I dont miss any mail from you guys
so if you havent heard from me in a couple of days ..give me a gentle KICK ...
There was a delay last week ..due to me being ill ...but Im digging my way through the snow now and I have almost caught up ...Post will go out tomorrow
WHITE ...SOLD OUT ...Im waiting for new fur to arrive
and Im working on a LONG wig ...
...might work ...might not ...but Rosa likes hers
For anyone who has been waiting for me to contact them I am using Petes laptop Pete has been given days to live ..he is desperately poor...
Pete love of my life passed away 25th April 2011 , originally uploaded by a difficult time . mornings are worse I have to face the day knowi...