mornings are worse
I have to face the day knowing he isnt going to be there ,
I made him a promise ..I get dressed throw on my make up and face the day without him
Im as brave as I can be ..and thats what he wanted ..but
God I miss him
whats going on in my life ..Carrie Attwood , SleepingElf ..the things I make and sell .Hobbies ..stuff I love
Pete love of my life passed away 25th April 2011
For anyone who has been waiting for me to contact them
I am using Petes laptop
Pete has been given days to live ..he is desperately poorly and in need of 24 hr care and I just cant leave him..I have been told again it will be soon
I cant even begin to say how I feel or what our family is going through
all I can say its evil and cruel
I have a load of back orders and there is a bag somewere of wigs I just havent posted and Im not taking orders just yet
I cant even think about getting anything done ..but I can promis ..and I swear your orders will be sent as soon as I can ...I will also be taking orders again soon as I have sorted my head out and got out all the back orders
Pete is seriously ill right now ...Im not on line much at all the momment Im all over the place
Things are delayed being made and sent
I had a head come back to me today unclaimed CAROLINE MACANLISS
if you are out there ..your head came back
and I know but cant remember who wanted hands
Results come in today for the tests ..I have never been so scarred in my life
thank you everyone who as left messages , phoned and written
I havent answered many ..but believe me they are appreciated
the sun is shinning ...its a beautiful day ...but my heart is sinking I have a feeling its going to be one of the worse days of my life
back in hospital
3rd time since February :(
but Pete is back in hospital .he wasnt too well since the finish of his radiotherapy
which we put down to the side effects ...but .we had to call the ambulance saturday
they are running more tests on Pete today
his pancreas is enlarged and very painful can be several things ...including the obvious
he isnt allowed to eat and on morphine ...and in much less pain
..and they have taken him off steroids ..and hey ...much less pain :(
.if you are waiting for an answer to a PM , e,mail or Flikr Mail
bear with me ..I have a TON of orders waiting to go and very little time to get them out
e.mails I will get around too over the week
If your waiting for a CURLEY TOTS ..I just havent been able to curl them ...they are almost done ...but not yet
thank you for your patience at this very difficult time
but Pete is back in hospital .he wasnt too well since the finish of his radiotherapy
which we put down to the side effects ...but .we had to call the ambulance saturday
they are running more tests on Pete today
his pancreas is enlarged and very painful can be several things ...including the obvious
he isnt allowed to eat and on morphine ...and in much less pain
..and they have taken him off steroids ..and hey ...much less pain :(
.if you are waiting for an answer to a PM , e,mail or Flikr Mail
bear with me ..I have a TON of orders waiting to go and very little time to get them out
e.mails I will get around too over the week
If your waiting for a CURLEY TOTS ..I just havent been able to curl them ...they are almost done ...but not yet
thank you for your patience at this very difficult time
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For anyone who has been waiting for me to contact them I am using Petes laptop Pete has been given days to live ..he is desperately poor...
Pete love of my life passed away 25th April 2011 , originally uploaded by a difficult time . mornings are worse I have to face the day knowi...