Poor Lola ..took suddenly ill yesterday ...she was very drowsy and wouldn't eat her favorite chicken..half an hour later ..that fast ,she went off her legs went floppy and unresponsive :(
I dashed her to the vets
Lola was kept in last night ..her temperature is still very very high , but Mike phoned as at 10.30 she has picked up a little and is eating ...so I slept better but missed her ...this is my first cat Pete has let me keep in with me ..he doesn't like cats in the bedroom ...but Lola cries and gets lonely
so she sleeps next to the bed ..she is ever so good ..she never gets on the bed until 7.00 ..she is my own little alarm clock
This morning Alex phoned me ...Lola is eating everything she is given ..but her temperature is still very high and she is sleeping a lot of the time ..she is on a drip for antibiotics and given an injection ..and something else ..I forgot ...they are hoping by this afternoon her temperature will drop more
looks like another night away from us ..
as if her temperature hasn't dropped enough for it to be safe
, she has to stay in
she is still on a drip ..and I can go visit her in an hour
the worrying thing is they cant find anything wrong with her
went to Visit Lola ...she perked up ..wolfed down the chicken ..and played with my Lola Rose bracelets and for a time ..then fell asleep ..then woke and we watched the bus`s and the traffic
she isn't at all her self ..her eyes are running ..and she feels so weak in my hands
then she would just look up at me with those huge sad eyes
I held her for almost an hour ..and let them have her back
she is going to stop in again tonight ...I just hope her temperature drops ..its still 40.1
its a long day ..Im doing work ..but my heart isn't in it