Im in awe ...I always am
The Mina human version ...Im already dreaming up a blue fullset
Human and Mermaid .. body blushing outfits and custom wig
...I have the urge for a lilac mermaid ?
they are being done right now
,.,,,I am taking reservations now
whats going on in my life ..Carrie Attwood , SleepingElf ..the things I make and sell .Hobbies ..stuff I love
Mina ..and Mina and Mina and another Mina ..and Mina..........
just caus I love this
the pelts have come ...yay!
head down for a few days ...I need to get all of the outstanding orders dyed and sent
pete and rosie-love of my life
I just love this picture though Im gonna post it
Still not heard about the fur ...hope to soon
I have got a small ammount am dyeing each wig seperately ..terrible wase of dye ...and its slow ...but Im getting the wigs out slowly and surely
Wig Colour and Coco UPDATES
the dyed colours I have ...Im now dangerously low ...but I still have some
I have e.mailed the compay I deal with and asked me to rush this shippment of pelts ...
If I dont have them in the next weeks or so ...I will have run out of most colours and my custom colours
In stock
Im pretty safe with black , browns , grey, magenta, burgundy ,
limes , brown /black with white tips
Cinnamon Swirl
Sold out
Blonde , White
SeaFoam ...I have 1 SD wig left and a puki ..then that has gone
Im working on orders in my book now ...Im getting through them
at the momment ...I can get most of them posted but next week the rate Im working
they are finished at last
I had to put the heating on yesterday to get them done
its just too damp and to walm ...the MSC kept blooming and causing the face to go white
terrible !
but they are finished ...and tommorow will go in the post
today I have to get ingieebee`s wigs made ..and a teddy bear order for tommorow too
I think I will be placeing another dark tan order
I want a tan Mina ...and I am exhibiting at Miniatura in October
so I want a tan girl for that too ...but next time I will know not to spray the MSC on dark tan when its raining !
CoCo- Fur News
I LOVE this portrait from Blod
she is just so talented realy captures my Coco
anyhow .NEWS on the Fur
its missing
I had got it in my head it was June I ordered them was actually the end of May they are missing.... Damn
well it was a Month .last week, I ordered them ...its not unusual for them to take 3 weeks to arrive ...but a Month they are gone
so I have had to report them lost ...that normally means they will go back to the sender ..then they replace them ....Last week I rebought that order ...and doubled it that should be with me in 2 weeks
.I also managed to get a small ammount of white and beige in the Uk ...trouble is it cost me double ...but it will be with me in a couple of days that means the end of this week will be bussiness as usual , and I can catch up with orders
I have only had this happen once before a couple of years back ...but its not good
all the girls and my polishing block
if I never see another dark tan it will be too soon ...
things were going so well ...then the weather changed and disaster ...the face-ups bloomed
I could just do without this means another days work
stripping off the face -ups and starting again ...I can do it ..luckily
but its very frustrating
its not been a great weekend
Dont even talk about yesterday ...Ok I will caus Im still getting over it
I vowed I would never do a Summer Fete ever again ...15 years ago ..when I sat in a field trying to sell SaltDough
and I vowed I would never do a Knex class again ..Im just not happy doing it
....but thought I would help out 1 last time ....with a 4 hour workshop
and I could show the lovely Gavin ...who made my day ...the roaps I followed my Tom Tom ....and was mortified
I ended up in a field largely ignored as I wasnt a bobbing duck or bouncy castle ! and I learnt youcannot do a class next to a marching band !
If it had dawned on me it was a Summer Fete ,I wouldnt have done it
I got prickly heat ...I only have to see sun and I get that ...then it rained and I got soaked ...I stuck it out ...I got soaked again ...and this time I was so cold 3.30 ...I gave it neck ....
I was stressed ...distressed ...and miserable
so thats why Im in a bad mood ...and will sleep on whether I release the dark tan girls again
although I do fancy a dark tan Mina
new colour Rose Gold
....and I appear to have been discovered on Flikr Im getting orders from there too
Its wonderful ...but a little ..
.no a lot overwhelming ...Im gobsmacked still LOL
Im getting stressed again because my pelts havent arrived yet and Im falling way behind ..
so I have taken stock TODAY ..makeing up all of the orders and leving the bags unsealed to I can add the missing wigs as soon as I get the fur in
I ...ordered 10 pelts with the 7 incomming
I wont run out and get stressed
My Daughter has just finished school and if off untill September when she starts collage I am thinking off asking for help
my Husband is helping ..
and my Mom has offered to help me too
so its all hands on deck now ....
Im am going to have to be firm withmyself ..and spend less time on the laptop and more time at work
I have decided from 9.30 till 4 .00 the house ...and then tea ..then I can catch up on e.mails ..Pms on an evening .... Ok ...lets try that ! LOL
Im coffee break now will answer all PMs tonight
me being organised ...Oh yeah ...40 fat fairys turned up today too LOL
the dark tan ones have some white resin dust left on them ...very noticable on dark tan
so its going to take a few days to polish them , to get them out
I got a green BonBon too she is way cool , she looks like Fiona out of Shrek !
my dinning room looks like a TIP boxs , bags and wig fluff all over the place !
and a message today , they have finished the tail detailing
..stunning , I cant wait to see this lot finished ...
For anyone who has been waiting for me to contact them I am using Petes laptop Pete has been given days to live ..he is desperately poor...
Pete love of my life passed away 25th April 2011 , originally uploaded by a difficult time . mornings are worse I have to face the day knowi...