
Zack, originally uploaded by sleepingelf.

Im trying to get a picture ,of Zack ..that is him ..his personality ...this sums him up!
I get the camera and he charges at me
Yesterday he learnt how to growl he was spitting ...whilst skidding up and down my kitchen , playing
I had to take him to the Vets today , he has a pooly tummy , bless him

Vets given him the once over ..and thinks its just the change of food and worms he has been de-wormed ..sprays for fleas and now he is sleeping
cant believe how much he has grwon in a few days


Ellie said...

Aww, kittens do grow fast..too fast..he is so cute. :)

tinybear said...

dont they
Im so glad I have my camera now I can keep pictures of them ...