so far today its not stopped snowing ..
the roads are appalling ...nothing is going nowhere
Were snuggled up in home ..log fire glowing and Yankie Candles burning
Christmas TV on are at friends ..and its lovely
going to make Pete some Vege - low fat low sugar mince pies LOL
I feel quite festive ..
The snow is falling thick and fast
and dont care as long as we can get to the hospital Monday for Petes second lot of Chemo .
.I have a 4x4 so we should be OK
looks like the only things moving today are the 4x4s
Im finishing this weeks wigs to go out Tuesday ...our post is diabolical right now ..and post has slowed right down
so I dont expect anything else to arrive before Christmas
whats going on in my life ..Carrie Attwood , SleepingElf ..the things I make and sell .Hobbies ..stuff I love
its cold outside !
light at the end of the tunnel
Im exhausted I out of the house more times than Im in ...I havent got much done this week at all
but everyone who is waiting for an order now will be shipped next week ..Pete is comming out of hospital tommorow and although he is still in bed ..I shall be working from home I can look after him and get the wigs done and the dolls out
thank you everyone for bearing with me xx
away from the Pc
every couple of days
thank you everyone who is preying ..sending healing Vibes and wishing us well
it means so much to me us ..thank you
especially Ragna ..she has kept me focused
and Jean ,she has been my rock
Pete is in Hospital ..the operation went well ..were hopeing now to get the results of the Cat scan
but he is well ..eating chocolate ..thats my Man ..and I love him for it
and he wants to get back hope to the Van ...
APRIL ..TOTNES ! we have it planned
on the way...
all of the dolls were sent out Friday ..and I have all the addresses and wig orders printed off for next week ..those will go out by the end of this week
so if your waiting for a wig order week
we have had 2 beautiful Autumn weekends ..Pete is healing well ..we can manage a short walk we do
Im hoping we get one more ..beautiful day next Sunday ..although Pete has to phone
the Hospital Sunday to book his bed for Monday ..then he has to have his operation
1 more weekend this Autumn would be nice ..because he is going to be off his feet for 6-8 weeks
He has his pre-op Monday ...MRI Thursday ...then phone Sunday Monday
I dont think Im going to be totally happy until its out of him and we get the results back from the Scan ...and we know what were up against
but every day we live it to its fullest ...we are dressing the house up next week for Halloween :)
Its not going to beat us !
another day ....
felling a bit low today ..everything fells like its moving so slowly ..yet its not ..not really
we got the appointment 21st ..for a Cat scan , hbut no news yet on the operation
if the second letter isnt with us by Monday Im phoneing
I thought I would post Gina here ..the picture makes me smile ..anything to make us smile right now
my boys
today is a good day ..I got up showered ..put on some make up ...and Im getting to work
Pete is at home ..he is helping get the post out many orders right now
those good vibes your sending are working :)
mail man came and went news today
but Pete did have to go to the Doctor for a sick note
our family doctor has been great
he has told us stop positive ..Pete is young fit and strong and very healthy apart form that little f****r thats sitting in his lymph gland right now , the sooner its out the happier I will be
thank you too all our friends e.mailing me and sending us healing vibes !
bring them on ...I dont know how to pray ..Ive never been much into religion ..but God am I doing it now anyone who is listening
so my Blod is my secret place ..I can come and scream at the Moon
Today is a good day and Im up for a fight
...Oh yeah ...wigs are going out too :)
and thank you everyone contacting me about my dolls xx
dolls for sale
choco puki coco $300 black hands and feet but will include white ones $300.00
second edition Olivia $200 ( smaller elf ears like orriginal )
ElF doll Min $200
elf doll Jin $200
elf doll kai limmited darker resin $200
winkey $200 rare
wendy $350* rare
Impledoll tree harley - but with Aimee face full body blush with human legs too
NOT DOLL lucy $150.00 tan version
fashion flex BODY WITH UNOA -2 head $ 300
johnny dep $250.00
ssin $200.00
serendipity $150.00
boboie $100.00
pocket fairy boy $250.00- with Viya face-up
zigzig $200.00
elf doll hanna $150.00, only comes with 2 face-plates
Hujoo - resin version a $250.00
Hujoo - resin version sleepy eyes $250.00
brownie doll haha $150.00
bambie cronie roko- blue spade bunny $250.00
mookla $600.custom made for me
HUGS xxx
My life fell apart this week ...its been a roller coaster
and I am not handling things very well right now
Pete has got to go in for emergency surgery ..the lumps that were taken for a biopsy were MM cells
Malignant Melanoma ...
a rare form ...that didn't actually show up on his skin ...
the first we knew about it was a few weeks back when he found this lump
Im trying desperately to keep orders flowing smoothly
and get dolls out ...but some days ..I fall apart ...
this past week has been hell
and any day now ..we will get the news he has to go in to have his lymph gland removed and find out if its spread
I cant believe this has happened to my wonderful man ..
at the moment he is well and strong ...and has no symptoms at all any were ..his blood work is good and there was nothing on his lungs
we are going to fight every inch of the way ....
Im selling off a large part of my collection
I just wan to make things a little easier for us whilst we fight this thing
October Updates
I thought September was bad ended the worse way possible
the new`s from my Husbands biopsy isnt the best we could want
the lump they removed was a Melanoma
so we will be retuning to Hospital Tuesday
so subsequently Im a little behind ...some wigs will be listed today
Curly Tots will be listed Monday
Blythe and Lati white
should you buy from all listings I will refund the subsequent postage
you will only pay for postage once
thank you for everyone who is sending messages
they mean a lot to us both xx
playing with elf thistledown
white elf ..custom face up
and gorgeous glass eyes
I have got a load out today
wigs tommorow and Tae will go on his merry way
and Natural Moona ..with the pink eyes xx
thank you for bearing with me
its been so hard to adjust
Pete helps so much with my business .. having him off his feet has really told
he dose so much to help ..with out his help ...Ive been lost
still he is on the mend xx and he feels fine ..he just cant do much for long and is in a lot of pain ...bless him
but thank you to all the well wishers xx
we will have the Biopsy results in 2 weeks time ..and were keeping everything crossed xx
the first light tan THISTLEDOWN for Miniatura
I think I have done everyone`s wig orders
And I have the orders from Etsy and ordered dolls to be shipped out
Pete had is operation on Thursday and I just haven't been able to get to the PO
I will Monday and Tuesday ..if your waiting for anything ..its going to be shipped then , they are all ready to go ..but I just could get them out
as Pete just isnt well enough to do it
we will still be exhibiting at MINITATURA OCTOBER 3RD
at last !
my Pirates are home ..dare I turn my attention to my Vampires now
cant wait to have all my tan Lati in 1 place !
any how this is Bess ..and my favourite picture so far
so much attitude
Oh well I have to get my head down now
I need to make fullsets for Miniatura ..and I have 3 elephants to finish and bears ..
Mimi in September
I was thrilled to bits
I will be doing more October 1st ..more Lati white /Puki size
and more Lati Yellow
and I realaly want to do a couple of Lati yellow and white/ real puki basic outfits
Im also working on a new style for Blythe may work for the other sizes too ..dont know yet ... .....
but thank you again for the continuing support xx
I WONT be on-line this weekend ..resting my wrists again ..and catching up with the last few late orders
any mails sent the weekend I will answer Monday xx
they are up !
Lati white were listed and sold out 1st
Lati Yellow are listed NOW
AND BLYTHE will go on tommorow 3rd !
another day ..the SUN is shining !
even better ..Sun is shining ...and COLD NIGHT !
that means the heating is on ..wigs can dry and I can catch up
the last 4 weeks have been pretty crazy ..Petes hosiptal trips ..which feel surreal ...our holiday ..and a blur of wet wigs ..that wont dry
I am hopeful to catch up again this week
and get everything sent
this is a new bed Im working on ...hopefully part of a new range if it works ..for the small elves ..1/12 scale
and I have larger bed ..which were working on for the larger Yo size dolls
all with that elfin feel to them
the bed will be for view at Miniatura ..and who knows I may have some for sale
they will be available in kit form and made up
exiting !
I am going to have to pull out of the Doll and Bear Show at the Motor Cycle Museum as its too close to Pete`s procedure ...
but I will still be exhibiting at Miniatura xx
so when I should have been working ..I was making statements to the Police and getting spray paint of my beloved " Star"
I am beyond angry .we are waiting for a letter much better half , has to have a biopsy ..we found out last week he has 2 lumps in his lymph glands say Im stressed ..a little worried a bit tense ? a bit of an understatement !!
all the cats have come down with a mystery virus
I had to get one sick cat up to the Vets , which is Chester ...sort him out and .when I should have been working ...I had to get shit loads of paint off my van
caus one dick head has gone ape with a can of spray paint
well it came off my Van is lovely again ..and the Police have been really nice
Im not the only person in the area to have their property and possessions vandalised
this afternoon was spent arranging to have the tyre blown up I can drop the Van closer to the fence and down the drive the new security camera system I have bought will film the end of the drive and my van
so if IT HAPPENS AGAIN your on camera
So the wigs will be a day late on Etsy
so Im not happy a day behind ...and buried under work again .......
and Im back !
spent a lovely few days ..with friends
and got some great walking gear ..and nic nacks for the Van
we are both so stoked doing her up LOL
I - WE have spent this weekend ..doing the Van ....
and thoroughly enjoyed myself ....just spending time ..not working as in making wigs and stuff ...but with Pete..
dodging the rain showers ..although Sunday was pretty nice
the Van`s interior framework is almost done ..the cookers frame , The seats , bed and toilet has now got its frame
Pete is now on the last leg ..the storage and a sink
which I bought yesterday off Ebay ...a nice small one ...and compromising ..not a full wardrobe ..a small one ..well, we only wear Jeans and T shirts anyway LOL
there will be storage for bedding under the seat ..and jackets can hang on hooks in the cab ..or in the toilet area if they are wet
its so much fun planning everything out
The Star has really opened up now that large board is down
and the metal box ..which we think may have been an old heater box or something .. that's out
we got rid of all the old cushions ...I want new ones ...
so the cab is now clean .. vacuumed and next weekend Im just gonna give her a wipe down try and get some of the age old dust out
hopefully over the bank holiday next week ...Pete will get in the last part of the frame work ...and I can do the cab and the step WIGS ...I have answered all my Etsy emails
my e.mails .. I'm doing Flikr now ..and tomorrow DOA hands are hurting like hell after a day at the PC ..but Im on track
the weather is appalling ..wet ..and warm NOTHING is drying fast ..its lousy ....but Im back and at work
I have several wigs for the 1ST OF SEPTEMBER ETSY update hopefully everyone should get something :)
she lives !
and was polished tyre ..and off on holiday we went !
Im still taking a couple of days now , to get the remaining few orders out that I had to leave becasue I RAN OUT OF BAGS ...BOXS TAPE !
I have already found out I sent out the wrong order to 2 people thats got to be sorted
but I feel rested and less stressed
I am still taking a coulpe of days off ..I want to do a little watercolours ..and I have a tiny Catrina ..
Ive been wanting to make one for ages I am !
she may end up a necklace ..or for my dolls house ..not sure yet
( day of the dead ) doll Im playing with ..and my 48th SCALE
and I have to get all 4 cats up the Vets for their check ups :)
so now its time for a cup of tea ..and I have to fight my way into my work room ..everything was just thrown in there before I went
Im on Holiday
I have got ALMOST everything out ..Ive run out of Boxs ..and Bags
everything ..but I have almost everything posted
a couple of orders I just couldnt get dry
2 curley tots ..and a Puki with peach tips
I will post these as soon as I get back
I had to take a picture of this wig before I boxed it up ...I just thought it was beautiful ......
well Im off now for 10 days ...back soon xxx
happy thoughts ....
and this girl ALWAYS makes me smile
Im watching the clock ... sometime today I will know if my "Viki" is to be scrapped :(
I love that Car ! she is like an old trusty friend
so Im dipping and curling ..and watching the clock
deep breaths............
STRESSED ..IS NOT THE WORD I would use ....
Im trying to get all my orders out for Friday Im going away
leaving the house and cats in the care of grown up kids ..and going to friend for a week
I wont be making for nearly 2 weeks I know its gonna take me a week to catch up with mails when I get back
that's IF ..the car gets through tomorrow ...she failed the MOT ....and has 2 massive holes in the floor , we didnt even know until they pulled back the floor carpets
they are going to try and weld her tomorrow , if they can weld her ..the new tyre goes on Saturday ...MOT ticked Monday and off we go 2 days late
BUT ...if they cant weld her ...she has got to be scrapped and Im gutted ....:(
no car ...:(
no holiday :(
Im not answering most my post right now if your asking about your order ..caus its being done to post Friday
had to order her !!!!
Ordered and paid for !
I want to do my own face-up on her ....
cant wait until she arrives
wet weather ...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
this picture cheers me up no end
weather is THE WORSE for me ..its hot ...humid and wet
wigs are taking forever to dry!
but hope to get out much more this weekend
Im going away 8th August ..for a few days Im sewing like a looney to get everything out for them
so Im surrounded by wet wigs ..and timing sucks ..2 days of Migraines !
I have a pile of unread e.mails
so if your waiting to here from me ..Im getting around to things !!
but my priority is getting the dolls and wigs out
Doll Magazine are doing an article about customising dolls ...and as a designer how to I feel about my dolls being changed
GO for it ! I said a collector myself ...I LOVE changeing dolls
..some have to stay the same though Poppy
who has just returned from Lati after her face-up has been fixed ...I love her again
although I have all tan girls ...Im keeping my 2 white ..and 1 natural ..these :)
Tea Break
and we now have almost everything down ...were saving the wood and recyclable almost everything ...there are a few changes we want to make with the layout ....dead exited
last night I went and got the fabric for the curtains and covers ...were keeping a list of everything were spending :)
Ok ..wig news ..doll news
its taking me longer to get the wigs done hands arnt good since I fell ..but iM DOING MY BEST WITH THEM
All orders are comming .. a bit slower ..but Im getting there
Im not on-line weekends ...resting up ..but again I can take you order ..invoices are sent out Monday xx
I have dolls and wigs going out today ..that also includes late wigs ..this will continue untill Friday xx
and YES Stock in ..I have a few Fallow ...dark tan coco , and Mina
poorley wrists
Im struggleing with my wrists again
Im still taking orders and sending out as normal ..just a little slower , if there is a specific date you want a wig for ..PLEASE let me know well in advance
Im taking weekends off and working 9.00 till 4.oo
AND trying NOT to go on my computer as much
just got back.............
I was away for the weekends and a bit
Im home now ..with my beloved Kittys
...and an IN BOX FULL to the brim ,,,,its goign to take me today to catch up on my mail :)
Halle...winter tan Momo ...
at last I have one ..I know she was expensive ..but Im so so happy with her
all the dolls were shipped out today ...and a ton of wigs
Im off for a couple of days ..leaving family to look after the house and the cats
and Im gonna grab a couple of days by the sea
back Monday
to collect Chester weeeeeee
new Kitty cat
Teddy makes it home ...
I'm totally happy now ...I LOVE this new doll
she is perfect ...Im thrilled to bits
She is tiny like a Puki but feels sturdy and stands so well
spent all day today listing them on Ebay ..and Etsy
and dyeing in-between
my wrists are killing me !
stroll on the weekend ..we are going to the se for a couple of days
Lola ...growing and going from strength to strength
Im thrilled to bits with her , she is so tiny ...but has a definate pressence to her !
and she is so stable ..she stands much better than my Lati tinys ...
I have baggied a light tan elf ..and a dark tan human ..those are mine
and I do have a bit of a thing for the coloured girls ..especially Orc little lilac resin
If I could get rid of this bloody headache I would be happier I think
Im working like CRAZY to get all the wigs up to date and out by Tuesday , So I can make outfits and play a little with my new girl
we are going away for a long weekend this weekend ...leaving the house and Lola in the capable hands of my Brother and his girlfriend
and Im going to sit on the beach and chill
he had cut the Broadband cable gardening ..I had no internet ....luckily they came to fix it first thing Monday Morning ...Go Virgin !!!
Yohoho ,I knew I couldnt live without her :)
I knew I could not " Not " have her
so when the opportunity arrived to get her ...I jumped at the chance
my little Maddie and Kitty arrived yesterday ...if Lola will leave me alone for an hour today ...I will take pictures ...I rather like my 2 pale little kittys
I am a week behind still my orders
Curley Tots Im doing today ..and dying is fine I hope to have caught up by the weekend ...
then everything can be shipped in 1 batch Tuesday xx
I could try and do the Post Saturday ..but I would prefere a whole days work so I can catch up ..and stop being so STRESSED OUT lol
I love this bear ...he makes me laugh
he will end up on Etsy ..just havent had time yet
is anyone else haveing trouble with Flikr ??
my whole account has gone Spanish ...and Picnic ...its driving me nuts now ..caus I cant read Spanish ..and I wish I had stuck at it at School!
my girls
my beautiful tan girls have arrived
I feel my tan troupe is complete
Im waiting now for the tan pirates
my vampires have been released from Customs ...and will be with me next week news of Thistledown :(
...Im at least a week behind with my communications this week ..Im addressing all my Pms,FMs Emails and everything else
show is behind me ..all the blood tests , doctors appointments and drama this week is behind me now its time to catch up with everything )
what a strange weekend ..and mixture of happiness and sorrow
I finally finished my Rosie and James
took me a bloody month to do the face and mould, but now its done I can make more ..if my hands hold out
and I love the results ...its so ..Me
I finnaly got my beautiful tan Lati special
and the same day "Laura" arrived ...I have found out I have a Winter Tan at last !! she should be arriving Tuesday
my collection is complete ..I have the dolls I want
my credit card is screaming ..but I couldn't give a crap ...
I spend Friday evening at an old friends Anniversary part ..its was lovely
I felt somewhat guilty for leaving unfinished work and unposted parcels ...but those I got done and out on the Saturday the morning
but then we heard some very distressing news ....
. I was up the Hospital Saturday evening with a friend ..and my daughters best friend
my daughter is distraught ,
in a freak accident her friend fell from a moving vehicle and fractured her skull work was not ..and isnt a priority right now
she is stable but poorly now ...but she is going to be Ok lucky lady
SUNDAY exhibited at Sams show in Stratford
Im really pleased Abracadabra bought 3 of my bears for the shop again ..its lovely , and it was wonderful to catch up with old friends
..I decided I would still only do Sams show ..Im not going back into the bear circuit .. although it is lovely to catch up with old friends ..I cant make the stock like I did and I feel Im under too much pressure to do so ...I enjoyed Sunday I will keep it at that
I was bitterly disappointed I could do my Challenge entry like I wanted too . but I just couldn't finish it and I ended up ramming a redressed bear on it ..and it just wasnt me I will know for next year
absolutely fell in love with a cAT IN THE hAT ..IT WAS AWESOME !
then Sunday I found out a dear lady I knew from my bear making days died a few weeks back ..she was a wonderful soul ..who worked hard looking after her disabled Son ..And it just left me feeling so ...
sad ..and thinking maybe ..Im working a little too hard again is so fragile ....before we know it its gone enjoy it Now things that make you happy ...and always make time for being creative caus I miss that so much ......thats what I learnt this weekend
and a lovely thank you to Sue ...who sent me an Pete home with 2 lovely bears ..just because she wanted too nice is that ...
and Midsummers murders to close the day ...
I hardly remembered I havent had chocolate for days LOL
poorley wrists
for those of you waiting for dolls and wigs
Im getting them shipped this week
Im affraid Im working at snails pace right now ...I had a fall 2 weeks back and hurt my wrists
that and trying to sew for a teddy show Im doing this week has left me in agony , back on pain killers and strapped from fiinger tip to elbows ...Im getting things done ..but so slow ..its very very frustraiting and I have to get finished for Sam`s show this weekend
hopefully I will rest up this weekend the Meds Im on will start working and I can get back to normal in a few days
wish list
just one ..thats all I ask ...just 1
And my tans are almost done :)
trying to cheer myself up today ,I was working all day yesterday on my bears and now I have KILLER RSI
dug out my pain killers ..but I only have 2 left must get some more
on a plus side ...Im really happy with the results ...minus
Im board shitless ..I MUST NOT do anything today ..if I rest up I can finish my wigs this week ..other wise I will be crippled up for a month
Im pissed of with Lati ..they havent shipped
and Pissed off caus no stock ...STILL
Thistledown is STILL a no show ..I missed Miniatura ..and I now I will miss the show the weekend
all I can say its a bloody good job wigs orders are comming in thick and fast :(
Ok NO shipping notices today ..from Lati or Elf doll
no news from Bobobie abot my Thistledown
I was supposed to ahve some samples in March ...its almost June :(
I swear Im gonna have a hissy fit by the end of this week ..
so Im reminding myself who Im waiting for
not forgetting I have 2 Zero faces comming ...but that wont be untill the END OF summer
Not sure which face I will keep ..I only want 1 ..I have to apoxy sculpt the head ..kinda looking forward it it
and Im going to put it on this , Im not keen on the body ...
dont like the torso ..
much prefere the more natural poseing on this
so what a wig model!
so which face ..Im not sure yet
what a beautiful day
Stan ..asleep again
its been a year ago today old friend ...
it still hurts ..and I still miss you
I learnt a lot about Maddie and loved her for it
Ive been blessed with Zack , Sam and Lola
and for a brief time Winnie
and I love them all ..they fill the hole you left in my heart ..but will never replace you my old boy xx
just forget those little things know you want a cuddle me !, originally uploaded by Sleeping elf.
a week on and on the mend ..what ever she had scarred the hell out of me
she is still on antibiotics ..she has poorly eyes right now
but ..she is so much better ..eating well and NOT sleeping as much
I cant tell you how happy its made me having her in my life
the thought of loosing her last week was awful
she is so much better its hard to believe looking and those pictures how ill she has been
today I bought myself flowers

Lola came home yesterday ..she still isnt well..but were getting there I think ...I was worried to death this morning ..last night she went all sleepy again ..Im just paranoid ...Ive lost 3 cats in 11 months ..and I couldnt face loosing another yet
but she woke up better ..she is still sleepy ..but ..we I think she is on the mend
Mmmmmm Ruki ...I LOVE this ..hate the cuts ..but I am hoping they will do the face-up without them
I have just enough to get 2 more tan ..I think LOL
THIS and Belle ...fraid the HK ones I WILL have to give a miss this time if I GET THESE 2 TAN
..last time I didnt get the tan though ...I never forgave myself ..and I have never been able to get a tan Momo again ..if I let tan Belle and Ruki go ..I think I will regret it
I dashed her to the vets
Lola was kept in last night ..her temperature is still very very high , but Mike phoned as at 10.30 she has picked up a little and is eating I slept better but missed her ...this is my first cat Pete has let me keep in with me ..he doesn't like cats in the bedroom ...but Lola cries and gets lonely
so she sleeps next to the bed ..she is ever so good ..she never gets on the bed until 7.00 ..she is my own little alarm clock
This morning Alex phoned me ...Lola is eating everything she is given ..but her temperature is still very high and she is sleeping a lot of the time ..she is on a drip for antibiotics and given an injection ..and something else ..I forgot ...they are hoping by this afternoon her temperature will drop more
looks like another night away from us ..
as if her temperature hasn't dropped enough for it to be safe
, she has to stay in
she is still on a drip ..and I can go visit her in an hour
the worrying thing is they cant find anything wrong with her
went to Visit Lola ...she perked up ..wolfed down the chicken ..and played with my Lola Rose bracelets and for a time ..then fell asleep ..then woke and we watched the bus`s and the traffic
she isn't at all her self ..her eyes are running ..and she feels so weak in my hands
then she would just look up at me with those huge sad eyes
I held her for almost an hour ..and let them have her back
she is going to stop in again tonight ...I just hope her temperature drops ..its still 40.1
its a long day ..Im doing work ..but my heart isn't in it
another dream girl
stricly she is a gloomy Belle , but I have her on a Laches body ...she is so sweet on the tiny body
OK wig news
no flights are leaveing the Uk ,...Im still takeing and doing orders ..and as soon as I know its Ok ..THEY WILL GO UP THE POST OFFICE ..ONE BATCH or orders is stuck intranset
there is NOTHING AT ALL I can do about it
but all the others ..I will save untill AIRMAIL resumes ..then I Will send them out xx
Sam helping
Im not online too much at the moment
I have a whopping backlog of orders I'm ploughing through
I vastly underestimated how long it would take to make up the curly tot wigs
I am perming them now it takes much longer ..but the results more permanent
I am aiming to get my back logs out by the end of the week
when Im not making up the wigs ...I am hunting for another kitten
Im missing Winnie like crazy is Zack ..he has no-one to play with ...Sam largely ..sleeps me ..and that's it
he is so laid back nothing bothers him ..except if I wont pick him up and love him when HE wants me too
but we are at the top of a list of British short hairs ..we are going to view them May 16th ...cant wait
and Im waitng to here back if I have a very special little girl kitty talk over ..wig talk
Curly tots /almost done ..custom cut and curls ...almost done
hope to have caught up by the end of this week
Dolls all to be posted by the end of the week
beloved winnie
what a week ...
Sunday to the show and they never received my booking ..
I had some lovely offers of help ..and the organiser got me an extra table was a little tense
the clutch went on the car driving home we have no car for Miniatura ..they cant fix it untill next week
then to top it off
Winnie didn't come home Monday ...I knew in my heart something was wrong
she had a very short life ..but was loved and adored
and I cant thank you all enough for the personal messages I have got
when you work for yourself like I do can be very isolated ..and I dont mind ...I love my work ..and my cats are my constant companions ...they are sat on the table by me now ...:)
loosing one of them is like losing a friend
and Winnie she never shut up ..never ,,she was always "talking " jumping on me or the other cats ..she demand our attention all of the time ..and we loved it ...
so its very quiet without her
and I have had such lovely messages they have so helped ...thank you all xx
Happy Mothers day !!!
up to my eyes in it ...
anyone waiting for me to e.mail them ...please bear with me
I have been inundated with curly tot inquiries and orders ,,and Im picking through them
YES ,,,Im making more
Yes ..Im making more boots
and some outfits ,
Yes I am taking orders ..
.wait list is a month now ,.and potentially getting longer by the day
but once your on it ..I will try and get your things out as fast as I can
its because I have 2 exhibitions coming up I am trying to fit in dressing some fullsets and making my bears with making up orders
Once March is out of the way ..orders will speed up again
For anyone who has been waiting for me to contact them I am using Petes laptop Pete has been given days to live ..he is desperately poor...
Pete love of my life passed away 25th April 2011 , originally uploaded by a difficult time . mornings are worse I have to face the day knowi...