What a start to the year

 Well a virus before Christmas, then I’d just started back to work 

And I had a bit of an accident  .. I fell 3 weeks ago and it was was a right “pissballer “ 

started physio Friday but they have referred me to a specialist as my foot is still too bruised and swollen to start exercising it , and she suspected I have damaged a tendon , untill they have found out how damaged , I can’t do much , then they want to work on strengthening my joints , to better deal with the arthritis!

I’m still splinted and can’t drive or walk much 

To top it all I had an infection in my jaw , so Thursday dentist removed the damaged tooth , she suspected it was damaged in the fall 

On a plus side I’m feeling so much better now ! I really do ! 

What a start to the year

I’ve not done any work , but am starting this Amazing doll I’m working on for a commissioned peice but it’s a slow pace .. but I will get there x 

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