I also haven’t posted Cubby …I have wanted a Caleb for years …so I did , again I saw them at the convention …and I knew I loved the older darker resin boy …so …I sold some of my dolls ..that I planned to sell ..and bought ..Caleb and the 2 old Serie Sasha …now I just have to sell the rest of the dolls I no longer want
2025 …get rid of the dolls I’m no longer collecting
Make more miniatures
And as far as Sasha go …I want a red haired boy
My 3 lost boys …Tootles ,Cubby and Michael ..
My Serie girls Grace and Lily …and Sprout getting in on the scene as he has a new outfit and teddy amd he is feeling loved since he was left behind …once ..just once and he has never let me forget it !
amazing outfits by MinniebloomersDesign on Etsy
Boots by Me …SleepingElf
Knitwear ..adapted Sasha pattern by Kirsin Maw and Sasha “ Saigheadan ”more than somewhat “