Showing posts with label dollhouse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dollhouse. Show all posts

New Mina Fullset ❤️

Always my favourite 

This mould and this colour resin ..just finished ..she is available direct from me £225.00

Details of her are here in my blog to my BJD page is above …click MORE 

She comes dressed in her outfit ..and will come in her little carry case 

Happy New Year

So far this year I’ve started off slowly ..still getting over this dreadful bug I’ve had …swollen glands now ..I feel so tired but at least I feel ok now 

I’ve completed the gifts / projects I’ve wanted to do 

Now I have a couple of things to do for Gracie’s birthday ..I’m quite organised at the moment

Next week I’m going to start on stocking my shop again x

Bunnies and bears ..and boots and shoes are coming and I have 3 BJDS ..2 light tan Thistledowns and a dark tan Mina full sets so plenty to do ❤️

I want to do colourwoek knitting again …beautiful soft alpaca mix Norwegian socks forGracie .. lots of mistakes LOL but they are quick to knit so I can improve 

Grand kids getting socks this year 

EVERYONE getting socks this year LOL