Happy New Year

So far this year I’ve started off slowly ..still getting over this dreadful bug I’ve had …swollen glands now ..I feel so tired but at least I feel ok now 

I’ve completed the gifts / projects I’ve wanted to do 

Now I have a couple of things to do for Gracie’s birthday ..I’m quite organised at the moment

Next week I’m going to start on stocking my shop again x

Bunnies and bears ..and boots and shoes are coming and I have 3 BJDS ..2 light tan Thistledowns and a dark tan Mina full sets so plenty to do ❤️

I want to do colourwoek knitting again …beautiful soft alpaca mix Norwegian socks forGracie .. lots of mistakes LOL but they are quick to knit so I can improve 

Grand kids getting socks this year 

EVERYONE getting socks this year LOL

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