Didn’t get as much done on my journal as I planned this weekend …,but managed to do more on Baby Birds blanket …and got quite a bit on Tiffany , Paul worked on the bathroom ..I worked on Tiffany …it wasn’t until I was doing her head I realised I was using the wrong size hook , so she’s come a little larger than I planned ..but I had done to much to undo …so I tan with it …I have to admit I’m really happy with her …I’ve just got to do her hat , a little cauldron …and I have a feeling she needs a cat !
whats going on in my life ..Carrie Attwood , SleepingElf ..the things I make and sell .Hobbies ..stuff I love
Twister … now on Etsy
I should have got around to finishing him ages ago , so today I did !
January Micro Crochet
Very please with the results ❤️
I’ve opened up a Folksy store too just to see how it goes
But listing them there too x I do love making the tiny version’s
I’m now working on a Pippi commission and Frieda … and hope to try a hobbit ❤️
Gither .. ❤️
I started Gither as I waited for my threads to arrive , using 0.75 hook and cotton I had in my stash , she’s taken me a week to do , very hard on my hands as she is a little larger than I would normally like , I soon realised I wanted to paint a box for her to live in ❤️ which gave me a perfect excuse for me to try out the paints I had for Christmas
I’m so pleased with the results
Pattern by Gwillami
On a Night Like this
Gither Ogg would be rather impressed I chose a night like this to create her , it almost felt like The RamTops
Last night , the wind howled , the rain lashed down , it was one of those nights it was good to be indoors , I was patiently waiting for my threads to arrive from Spicaartdoll, checking the tracking , Monday or Tuesday I thought , so as I waited , I fished out some of the other thread I had and as the wind howled around the hills I started “ Gither “ she s quite impressed I chose a night like this ..it suited her character , I chose much finer yarn than Gwiami’s pattern called for . But I’m loving the challenge . Then would you believe it , there was a knock on the door and I couldn’t believe my eyes Spicaartdoll ‘s delicious yarns arrived , beautifully packaged , which I will use in my art journal ..this is one New Year’s resolution I’m loving ❤️
#microcrochet #crochetaddict #miniature #miniaturelover #iniaturemaker #microamigurumi #tinydolls
#miniaturecrochet #sleepingelf
❤️ https://tinybear-sleepingelf.blogspot.com❤️
New Mina Fullset ❤️
Always my favourite
This mould and this colour resin ..just finished ..she is available direct from me £225.00
Details of her are here in my blog ..link to my BJD page is above …click MORE
She comes dressed in her outfit ..and will come in her little carry case
It’s a windy old day today
And it felt like Christmas , 🎄went for a windy drive into Leamington to get my new phone and I had this wonderful little doll arrive , I will enjoy restoring her
One bunny remaining 🐰
I should be thinking of making shoes …but already planning more teddy’s and rabbits and
I really want to do an Elephant ❤️
Across the top of my blog , you can click on the page for details and prices x
Happy New Year
So far this year I’ve started off slowly ..still getting over this dreadful bug I’ve had …swollen glands now ..I feel so tired but at least I feel ok now
I’ve completed the gifts / projects I’ve wanted to do
Now I have a couple of things to do for Gracie’s birthday ..I’m quite organised at the moment
Next week I’m going to start on stocking my shop again x
Bunnies and bears ..and boots and shoes are coming and I have 3 BJDS ..2 light tan Thistledowns and a dark tan Mina full sets so plenty to do ❤️
I want to do colourwoek knitting again …beautiful soft alpaca mix Norwegian socks forGracie .. lots of mistakes LOL but they are quick to knit so I can improve
Grand kids getting socks this year
EVERYONE getting socks this year LOL
For anyone who has been waiting for me to contact them I am using Petes laptop Pete has been given days to live ..he is desperately poor...
Pete love of my life passed away 25th April 2011 , originally uploaded by a difficult time . mornings are worse I have to face the day knowi...