Little Lottie and her bear

tiny 1/24 scale sculpted miniature abd her teddy ... i loved doing her xx first of many i hope ♥ she is on my web site and will be added to etsy at some point , my internet is down at the moment so im limited at the moment

BabyBuntings and miniature bears available in my Etsy store

I absolutly loved making these baby buntings and old style miniature bears .... Im really please with them yeah ...28 years making miniatures im happy with ghem LOL its only taken this long they have been listed in my etsy store ...but i dont mindif they dont sell asi get too look at them 🤪

Fullest coming up for sale

finishing up BonBon and Coco customer order ..and working om 2 fullsets amd my Grandsons birthday pressie its cold and snowing here somfeeling creatove today not goung out LOL

Lockdown 3.0

I think its telling on everyone now , it feels like forever since things were normal im working on my workroom gettkng it sorted , Ive worked alone for 30 years , im finding it hard to ajust to Paul being by my now .. i want a space again , so workroom is being de cluttered and rearranged , more space and storage is needed I feel like Im holding my breath before somthing happens lol We took a walk yesterday up to Upton House ... cleared the cobwebs away

Enjoying making miniatures now

Paul finished my house befpre Christmas and im enjpyimg makimg again

Getting creative ♥️

well , its been " different " since my last post .. i was really looking forward to Christmas .. but Corvid saw us going into tier 4 .. so we had a quiet one although we saw Rosie my daughter , they are expecting their first child febuary then we went into full lockdown My house is being sold so i am more than a little worried .. but we have had loads view it this week and an offer put in ... Im keeping my fingers crossed meanwhile .. im trying somthing new baby buntings and im really enjoying doing them , i really want to be more creatove this year