I must make another of these …..I’ve called him Rory ..he’s got that look my grandson me 🤣
whats going on in my life ..Carrie Attwood , SleepingElf ..the things I make and sell .Hobbies ..stuff I love
Frida Fridays …
I finished these 2 yesterday… and I am delighted !
I bloody loved doing these
When I’m repainting them I like to keep as much of the original face as possible and work from that
With Frida , I have to remove the lips and eyebrows and go from their .. but I like to keep them as much Sasha as possible ❤️
After years of really disliking the Sasha baby’s .. I’m really enjoying them now , I know a lot of people love them , but I found them really hard to dress and pose with their bent limbs and tuck necks …
I shall be sorry to see these 2 go
But I just may have bought another baby to turn into. Wobbler
And I can’t wait untill she arrives
Cora incoming … and I have plans 🤣🤣🤣
What’s on the table today
… it’s cost me over £15.00 just for the tools to set these little
Babies … and it’s taken me years to find the correct size
But I’m over the moon !
Tiny metal presstuds like the old Sasha shoes
Straightening limbs .. And then there were more babies
What you need
Large bradawl or pointed knife
Large pan boiling water
Bowl of very cold water
Elastic fry restringing , haemostats and scissors
I’ve never been a huge fan of the baby Sasha
But after “forgetting “ Sprout at a local meet up , I decided to give him a pamper .. he has been totally transformed LOL
Now I’m loving him , apart from the wig , green eyes , straight arms , and legs I’ve given him an extended neck ,
Sprout I used apoxy sculpt and added to his neck
But for CherryBomb , and Moms baby I used a fiber washer .. much easier and it appears to have worked and they still have range of movement in the head ,
I straightened his limbs , boiling them , straightening them to hold the shape by hand while they were still
Hot, before the cooled I pushing wooden chopsticks cut to length , in each limb , 2 for each leg and 1 for the arms
I made a hole inside the top of each limb with a large bradawl then inserted the chopstick .. I prefere the bradawl as I have control of the size hole I make , if your using a knife be very careful you don’t cut the hole too big , or push it straight through the limb x
If you feel the limb going hard .,, dunk it back into the boiling water , make it soft again and continue until the rods are in and you have the shape you want
Then you put them in cold water , as soon as the go cold they hold their shape
I have found the hole in the leg closes when it’s cold
When your inserting the rods , make sure the hook to
Join the leg back on is still in its original place and moving freely
If the plastic goes hard and the hook isn’t in the right place the leg won’t have the same range of movement and tends to kick to one side
Don’t worry tho if this happens you can easily reheat the leg and reposition the hook
It’s just a royal pain keeping restringing them ?
You won’t get the limbs 100% straight unless you cut them
But this is a great method if you don’t want to cut the leg and model them straight
But I like this method , they can stand better I love the look of their clothes on them now
I designed my boots so the baby Sasha could stand better allowing for the foot not to be flat in them ( bonus is they fit the toddlers )
So now these stand even better in my boots
Loved Sprout so much I got him a friend .. CherryBomb
I did a body swap , so now Sprout and CherryBomb have anatomically correct bodies
And then there were 10
I also haven’t posted Cubby …I have wanted a Caleb for years …so I did , again I saw them at the convention …and I knew I loved the older darker resin boy …so …I sold some of my dolls ..that I planned to sell ..and bought ..Caleb and the 2 old Serie Sasha …now I just have to sell the rest of the dolls I no longer want
2025 …get rid of the dolls I’m no longer collecting
Make more miniatures
And as far as Sasha go …I want a red haired boy
My 3 lost boys …Tootles ,Cubby and Michael ..
My Serie girls Grace and Lily …and Sprout getting in on the scene as he has a new outfit and teddy amd he is feeling loved since he was left behind …once ..just once and he has never let me forget it !
amazing outfits by MinniebloomersDesign on Etsy
Boots by Me …SleepingElf
Knitwear ..adapted Sasha pattern by Kirsin Maw and Sasha “ Saigheadan ”more than somewhat “
A couple of days after Grace came , Lily arrived …another older Gotz
I fell in love with her face too ..it’s strange I didn’t think I liked the Gotz Sasha ..I was always a Trendon fan …but when I went to the convention October …my mind was changed
This girl has the most beautiful coloured eyes , and her hair is so soft
DEC 2024
I can’t believe I forgot to post these ( well I can ..life went a little crazy just before Christmas ..long story short Paul had a pacemaker fitted Friday 3rd ) looking forward to a healthy happy new year !
Any how we were visiting Worcester for the Christmas Market and I couldn’t help but notice this little girl on EBay ..you know what it’s like ,I couldn’t stop thinking about her ,I kept looking and was pretty sure I could fix her …so the day before we came home …I bought her ..She is just beautiful, tiny little face , she is a Gotz Serie No Navel 69 or 70 ..
Her leg joints were broken , and she has a hair cut at the front ..but Florence let me have the hair from her Frida doll , so I knew I could replace it , and of course she needed to be restrung ..no problem there
When she arrived I was bowled over ..I planned to do her after Christmas ..but I couldn’t
With Paul’s help ..I worked out a way of fixing a new leg joint ..
Although next time I may just use the large cotter pin embedded in the apoxy sculpt
Frida …Trendon Sasha
Sadly this poor girl had hair fall ..so she had to be wigged
I was asked for a Frida Sasha …I wanted to capture the iconic look of Frida
Before these are her auction photos and her face , with the paint removed and her wig removed

New kids in the house
So exited to add Michael and Florrie to the fold ….Michael has the most beautiful face and hair …a little caving around the neck …nothing I can’t fix …Florrie …when I saw her auction pictures I knew I had to have her
I had been to the most wonderful Sasha gathering in the next village, I met some wonderful people and collected Michael ..amd that’s when I saw her … a “Velvet” …I fell in love with her face , so I was hoping to transform this poor little waif into my own version of
Arnt the beautiful Velvet …this is Florrie after
And I forgot …Frida !
Another rescue …poor girl had a dink on her face and a real bad hair cut , which is tragic as her hair is amazing , so I piled it up high for now and her curls cover it ..shes a real beauty
For anyone who has been waiting for me to contact them I am using Petes laptop Pete has been given days to live ..he is desperately poor...
Pete love of my life passed away 25th April 2011 , originally uploaded by a difficult time . mornings are worse I have to face the day knowi...