Straightening limbs .. And then there were more babies

 What you need 

Large bradawl or pointed knife 


Large pan boiling water 

Bowl of very cold water 

Elastic fry restringing , haemostats and scissors 

I’ve never been a huge fan of the baby Sasha 

But after “forgetting “ Sprout at a local meet up , I decided to give him a pamper .. he has been totally transformed LOL 

Now I’m loving him , apart from the wig , green eyes , straight arms , and legs I’ve given him an extended neck , 

Sprout I used apoxy sculpt and added to his neck 

But for CherryBomb , and Moms baby I used a fiber washer .. much easier and it appears to have worked and they still have range of movement in the head ,  

I straightened his limbs , boiling them , straightening them  to hold the shape by hand while they were still

Hot, before the cooled  I  pushing wooden chopsticks cut to length , in each limb , 2 for each leg and 1 for the arms 

I made a hole inside the top of each limb with a large bradawl then inserted the chopstick .. I prefere the bradawl as I have control of the size hole I make , if your using a knife be very careful you don’t cut the hole too big , or push it straight through the limb x

If you feel the limb going hard .,, dunk it back into the boiling water , make it soft again and continue until the rods are in and you have the shape you want 

Then you put them in cold water , as soon as the go cold they hold their shape 

I have found the hole in the leg closes when it’s cold 


When your inserting the rods , make sure the hook to

Join the leg back on is still in its original place and moving freely 

If the plastic goes hard and the hook isn’t in the right place the leg won’t have the same range of movement and tends to kick to one side 

Don’t worry tho if this happens you can easily reheat the leg and reposition the hook 

It’s just a royal pain keeping restringing them ? 

You won’t get the limbs 100% straight unless you cut them 

But this is a great method if you don’t want to cut the leg and model them straight 

But I like this method , they can stand better I love the look of their clothes on them now

I designed my boots so the baby Sasha could stand better allowing for the foot not to be flat in them ( bonus is they fit the toddlers ) 

So now these stand even better in my boots 

Loved Sprout so much I got him a friend .. CherryBomb 

I did a body swap , so now Sprout and CherryBomb have anatomically correct bodies

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